Monday, February 20, 2012

Change of Plans...

Well, friends...

I'm not giving up on this project but I am changing my plan a bit. I don't have a lot to say about these photos and I feel like it's just an excuse to try to keep this blog alive :)... So, for now, my blog will go dormant again. I will, from now on, be posting my photo-a-day challenge pictures on Facebook. If you're following this and you aren't my friend, well, find me!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll check out my photos over yonder.


Monday, February 13, 2012

February Photo a Day - Week 2

So, my second week of taking and editing one photo each day has passed and it's going very well! I'm very glad to have this outlet to share and keep me accountable.

Feb.7 - button: This is my purse. It has the face of a fox. Do I really need to say more?

Feb. 8 - sun: We certainly have plenty of sun here in Florida... I didn't want this photo to look too predictable and I really like the way it came out.

Feb. 9 - front door

Feb. 10 - self portrait: I don't take pictures of myself. (Well, except on photobooth... I do that all the time, but I don't think I want the world to see those...) I don't even really let other people take pictures of me. It's part of the reason I love being a photographer. However, I've been reading blog posts here and there about the importance of being in your photos, and of posting photos of yourself on your blog, so, here I am. I actually like the way it turned out.

Feb. 11 - makes you happy: I know this picture is blurry and the light was horrible but it represents what makes me happy best of all the photos I took. This, if you don't know, is my sweet husband. laughing at Joel McHale. And that, my friends, makes me happy.

Feb. 12 - inside your closet: I think this picture is a pretty good cross section of my wardrobe.

Well friends, thanks for checking out my second week of photos. I'm having so much fun!

You all rock,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February Photo a Day - Week 1

Hi Friends!

Ok, so, you would guess by the fact that this post is a day late that I'm not doing very well with this February goal. But, there is actually a very good reason this post is late. Terry and I were out of town for the past two days because his grandfather recently passed away. So, we got to see his family and now I'm back and ready to get back on the blogging train. So, without further ado, the first six days of February in photos.

Feb 1

Feb 2

Feb 3

Feb 4

Feb 5

Feb 6

Note: I'm not sure why blogger is cutting off the right side of each picture, and I'm working on it, but for now you can click on any picture to see the whole thing. :)

Lots of love,

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Should Old Acquaintance be ... Remembered?

Hello, Long-Lost Blog World.

It certainly has been a while. Let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl was very good at making plans, but terrible at following through with them. This girl loved to take photos and wanted to share them with people, so she started a blog. But, this project got thrown by the way-side (as so many well-intentioned projects do). So, as 2012 started the girl decided that New Year's Resolutions just aren't her cup of tea. I mean, come on, who can really do any one thing for an entire year? And if you can, kudos. So, after a hectic January the girl decided to make Birthday Month Resolutions, instead.

If you haven't already guessed, the girl is this girl. I stink at follow-through. It's the reason I lack in both blogging and bowling. Buuuut, I've decided to try shorter term goals. A month. A short month, at that. And I'm starting slow. One post per week. I have other goals, too. Important ones, like studying my bible and going to the gym a few times a week. But this goal, it's important to me too. Let me tell you about it.

I decided I needed specifics. I needed something to take pictures of, a photo project, as it were. So, I had seen one of my favorite bloggers, Mandy, of Harper's Happenings (yes, I read baby blogs and I don't have a baby, deal with it. Plus, she's completely hilarious and wears super cute clothes that I can actually afford) doing a photo challenge for the month of January that was created by Chantelle of fat mum slim. I had hoped and hoped that she would do one for the month of February too, so that I could join in the fun, and guess what? She did! So, I will be taking and editing a photo each day, then posting a week's worth here each Monday. yay! I'm also excited because these challenges might continue and I think I'd love to do another month with my cell phone camera instead of my big-girl camera.

So, check back here every Monday if you'd like to see some peeks at my photos and my life. I'm hoping that posting my photos each week will be both fun and motivating. If all goes well, I might get into a rotation of a few posts a week, but right now I'm just working on February! One month at a time.

Thanks for sticking with me, friends. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think about my monthly resolutions and this photo project :)

So much love,