Hello, Long-Lost Blog World.
It certainly has been a while. Let me tell you a little story.
Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl was very good at making plans, but terrible at following through with them. This girl loved to take photos and wanted to share them with people, so she started a blog. But, this project got thrown by the way-side (as so many well-intentioned projects do). So, as 2012 started the girl decided that New Year's Resolutions just aren't her cup of tea. I mean, come on, who can really do any one thing for an entire year? And if you can, kudos. So, after a hectic January the girl decided to make Birthday Month Resolutions, instead.
If you haven't already guessed, the girl is this girl. I stink at follow-through. It's the reason I lack in both blogging and bowling. Buuuut, I've decided to try shorter term goals. A month. A short month, at that. And I'm starting slow. One post per week. I have other goals, too. Important ones, like studying my bible and going to the gym a few times a week. But this goal, it's important to me too. Let me tell you about it.
I decided I needed specifics. I needed something to take pictures of, a photo project, as it were. So, I had seen one of my favorite bloggers,
Mandy, of Harper's Happenings (yes, I read baby blogs and I don't have a baby, deal with it. Plus, she's completely hilarious and wears super cute clothes that I can actually afford) doing a photo challenge for the month of January that was created by
Chantelle of fat mum slim. I had hoped and hoped that she would do one for the month of February too, so that I could join in the fun, and guess what?
She did! So, I will be taking and editing a photo each day, then posting a week's worth here each Monday. yay! I'm also excited because these challenges might continue and I think I'd love to do another month with my cell phone camera instead of my big-girl camera.

So, check back here every Monday if you'd like to see some peeks at my photos and my life. I'm hoping that posting my photos each week will be both fun and motivating. If all goes well, I might get into a rotation of a few posts a week, but right now I'm just working on February! One month at a time.
Thanks for sticking with me, friends. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think about my monthly resolutions and this photo project :)
So much love,