Ok, so, here's the deal. Two Sundays ago I took a lot of pictures at church for an event we like to call "Cheesecake Sunday." My church is a plant that was started three years ago and each year on our "birthday" we have Eli's cheesecake from Chicago and celebrate. This year we also had an art auction where we auctioned off all of the amazing work done by the creative people in our community. It was awesome. I took pictures because Kim, our Kids' City director, asked me to provide some pictures for a free local paper so they could run a story about it. Cool, huh? Well, I was waiting to hear back from her about when it would run or if it would officially run so I could share with the blog world and show some of my pictures from that day. Well, time is going on and I haven't heard anything so I'll just say that hopefully someday soon I'll be a published photographer (woot) and here are some of the shots from Cheescake Sunday. (This will come to you in two parts because it's a lot of pictures) :) Thanks for stickin with me!
Love you all!
- hlm
Oh! And I got this cool thing called "The Puffer" which is a flash diffuser (because my flash was pretty killer... no one told me this about Canons before I bought one). Anywho, it was so helpful and makes people look so much better with the flash! Yay!

1. Some college students enjoying fellowship and cheesecake.

2. The president of Eli's cheesecake sent us the sweetest video message. Like ever. It was so cute. And they sang us Happy Birthday. Badly. Hilarious. :)

3. Mark, our lead pastor, eating cheesecake in front of us, like he does every year. :)

4. Just a snippet of the amazing art that has been created by our community.

4. The best cheesecake in the world. For reals. Yum.
Feel free to check out my awesome faith community's website at
www.crossingsknoxville.com. I never want to be one who uses a completely unrelated outlet to push church-type-things, but this is something I thought was pretty exciting... So there ya go! :D
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