There's something about piers that draws me. Maybe it's because I have spent a lot of time on them in my life. Maybe it's because I was proposed to on one. Maybe it is because I was born in a city with a really amazing one. Whatever it is, I think they're cool. It's like walking on water, but safer. This is about as basic as piers get, but I still thought it was picture worthy. My good friend Kristin and I went to the Port Charlotte Beach today around sunset to take some pictures in the cold (for Florida standards... I know anyone even a little bit north would laugh at what people here consider "cold"). I ended up with a lot of pictures I liked, which I'm sure you'll see some of eventually, but this one stuck out. I just think it's simple, beautiful, and sunset-y. I did warm it up to make sure it was clearly Florida Sunset Orange (new crayon color?) and sharpen it to make it a little more exciting. Tomorrow will bring more free Chick-fil-a and a little more time with family and friends before I head back to the Tundra on Thursday. I just loooovvveee leaving the beach to go back to snow. :/ Ugh.
And on that happy note :), thanks for stopping in!
Love Love,
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